This year there were 2 essays and 10 questions (which I personally find better than having 3 essays and 8 questions since essays are real pain when you have nothing specific to say). The whole exam was on 800 pts, the general paper counts for 200, the specialized - 300 pts each part (essays/questions).A. You're in charge of creating a new website for the UN for hosting "real-time" news, videos, pictures and other content for press agencies. From the concept to the maintenance. (don't remember the details)
B. You are in charge of renewing the un.org pure HTML web site in order to:
+ Integrate it with social networks, blogs and chats (web 2.0 related stuff)
+ Allow NGOs and UN staff to populate the content from everywhere on the globe
+ Develop a new scalable architecture and a back-end database for it
It is also known that the development team has been split in two parts and that they are now geographically separated (US/Europe) and that there is a lot of legacy content. So know you're asked to propose a viable solution covering all aspects cited (explain all the phases of your idea). Do not forget the i18n and accessibility issues.List three (3) most important concepts used for web statistics in web development; (something else)
What's vector/raster images; describe that advantages or inconveniences; give examples of when to use which (maybe something else)
What's the difference between HTML and XHTML; Give two (2) advantages and inconveniences of the tableless development approach; what's HTML5
Define XML; give five (5) examples of usage on the web; give five (5) best practices to avoid incorrect XML files
What's cross site scripting; why is it dangerous; describe the main types of attacks; (maybe something else)
How do you implement a "one-to-one", "one-to-many" and a "many-to-many" relations in a database and give a SELECT construct that describes each case; what's the difference between a primary and a unique key; Define classes and ids usage in CSS and give examples (not sure this one came here)
How do you get information about the page in javascript; define what's a javascript framework and discuss what such frameworks have in common; give a couple (or three) examples you worked with
Define SEO; give five (5) best practices in use; what's a podcast and how is it used; (and another point I don't remember related to SEO);
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